Got Sensitive Skin? Try These 5 Beauty Hacks

Here are some tips on how to still maintain glam makeup looks with sensitive skin

Words Andrea Brigino
Photos courtesy of SKIN1004 Philippines Official via Instagram
June 27, 2024

It can be very daunting to experiment with makeup, especially when even the most minimal application can result in random breakouts or red patches. Here are some tips for those with sensitive or irregular skin on how you can still play around with makeup with less risk of your skin reacting harshly to it.


Wearing Primer

A lot of people who wear makeup, especially in a hurry, tend to skip primers since they “don’t make much of a difference.” However, primers are not only useful in keeping your makeup from sliding off your face, but a neutral gel-based primer can be helpful in avoiding overly harsh skin contact with other products you intend to use.

Canmake has several translucent, lightweight primers you can try out.


Using Sunscreen

Sunscreen has become a universal and obligatory skin tip with its anti-aging properties, but sunscreen also helps in evening out skin tone and fading acne scars, which could help in minimizing the use of heavy-set foundation.

Skin1004 has a good range of water-based sunscreens and serums that are lightweight and leave no fragrance.

Hada Labo


Even with oilier skin types, skin that isn’t properly moisturized or hydrated before applying several products can result in irritation. Applying the right moisturizer makes your skin more evenly hydrated so your makeup not only sits better but lasts longer on your skin without patching or causing irregularities.

Hada Labo, for example, has a renowned toner-like moisturizer that keeps a thin but moisturizing layer with hyaluronic acid that further helps with acne scarring or redness.


Lightweight Foundation

One of the most common ways to garner breakouts or irritation is through the type of foundation used, whether the coverage is too heavy or the ingredients are incompatible with their skin. It’s important then to have a foundation on hand that doesn’t feel too heavy and doesn’t overwhelm your skin.

Tirtir, for example, has a wide range of cushion foundations that are hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types.


Makeup Remover

Whether it’s makeup wipes or micellar water, this step of the makeup process is the most important regardless of skin type but especially for those with sensitive skin to remove every crevice of makeup to avoid breakouts. For people with sensitive skin specifically, it’s important to choose a neutral unscented makeup remover. Bioderma has a gentle micellar formulation that doesn’t leave an oily texture on the skin while still keeping it hydrated.


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