Step Into Manix Abrera’s Dream World
Dive into Manix Abrera's 'Dreams' exhibition, where kapres sip tea, spider-profs hand out intergalactic PhDs, and the only thing more twisted than the art is wondering if you're in a dream or just stuck in Monday traffic!
by Mika Reyes
Photos from Galerie Stephanie
November 30, 2023
Manix Abrera, ‘Crash Landing On Yourself,’ 5x5 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Galerie Stephanie is about to unleash an artistic whirlwind that promises to tickle your imagination and leave you questioning the reality of your own dreams. The maestro behind this fantastical escapade is none other than the illustrious Manix Abrera, an artist whose dreams are so vivid they make even our most lucid night fantasies seem like a black-and-white silent film.
On November 18, 2023, from 5 to 8 in the evening, mark your calendars! Galerie Stephanie, perched on the 4th floor of the Shangri-la Plaza East Wing in the glamorous Mandaluyong City, will host the grand opening reception for Abrera's latest solo exhibition, aptly titled Dreams. If you've ever dreamt of kapres hosting a tea party or a spider with a PhD, Abrera's got you covered.
Manix Abrera’s ‘Dreams‘ exhibition on view at Galerie Stephanie.
Dreams is the author and comic book artists’s solo exhibit. It's a kaleidoscopic journey through the eccentric labyrinth of Abrera's mind. It's like stepping into Wonderland, only this time, the Cheshire Cat might be a kapre, and the Mad Hatter is a spider-prof offering scholarly insights over a cup of celestial tea.
The show features a mesmerizing blend of new and prior works, including pieces from Abrera's comic book series that will have you questioning whether you've been dreaming or just taking a nap in reality. The scenes are rife with topsy-turvy imagery, spirited characters, and an overall sense of whimsy that will make you wish you could spend a night in Abrera's dreamscape.
Manix Abrera, ‘Sagittal Terror;’ 5x5 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
In Sagittal Terror, a lonesome character contemplates life under a blood moon while devilish wings sprout in the background. Meanwhile, Writers Camp in Space introduces us to a cosmic residence where intergalactic wordsmiths gather for an extraterrestrial brainstorming session. Move over, writer's block; here comes writer's nebula!
Abrera, with over two decades of experience, is no stranger to weaving humor and satire into his artwork. As the creator of the iconic Kikomachine Komix, a daily strip in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, he has captured the hearts of art and comics enthusiasts and even those who just enjoy a good laugh.
But fear not, for Abrera's art is not just a whimsical spectacle. Within the fantastical strokes and vibrant hues lies a profound care for the human condition. Kapres, spider-profs, and engkanto museums coexist harmoniously, painting a picture of a world that is both touching and trembling with the unpredictable nature of dreams.
Manix Abrera, ‘Writer’s Camp in Space;’ 5x5 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
And let's not forget the accolades that adorn Abrera's artistic journey—a three-time National Book Awardee and a TOYM (Ten Outstanding Young Men) Awardee in 2022 for Literature, Culture, and the Arts. If that doesn't scream "creative genius," I don't know what does.
So, from November 15 to 20, 2023, let your senses revel in the vivid dreamscape of Manix Abrera at Galerie Stephanie. Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and the extraordinary becomes a dazzling work of art.
For more information, call +63 7940-5726 or shoot an email to [email protected]. And remember, in the world of Abrera's dreams, anything is possible—even finding the elusive kapre with the perfect sense of humor. Cheers to dreams that are as colorful as life itself!