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Finding Your Local Art Community Through Wet Market: Art Market

Pop-ups are everywhere nowadays, but this one fosters a welcoming environment where you can discover unique pieces, connect with artists, and find your creative kin

Words Maria Sophia Andrea E. Rosello
Photos by Wet Market: Art Market (via Instagram)
June 13, 2024

Forget the fluorescent lights and bustling crowds of a traditional wet market. The Wet Market: Art Market is a vibrant melting pot of creativity and community. Amidst the backdrop of unique art and handmade crafts, a sense of belonging blossoms for artists and art enthusiasts alike.

A Welcoming Space for All

Stepping into a Wet Market event is like entering a friend's living room, albeit one bursting with artistic expression. "The atmosphere is super fun!" says past vendor Rocio Duarte. She continues, "It’s very relaxed and always a good time." This is a testament to the market's founder, Dime (the artist behind 10centart), whose passion for creating a welcoming space for artists and art lovers fuels the entire experience.

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The Backstage Magic

While the artists are the stars of the show, a dedicated team works tirelessly behind the scenes. The event space is organized by two pools: The Volunteer Pool and The Merchant Pool. Dime, the mastermind behind Wet Market, manages most of the heavy lifting, but the overall vibe is undeniably collaborative.

Most artists can be seen activating their creativity as merchants, but opportunities abound for roles such as graphic designer, photographer/videographer, copywriter, and even animator. Even if you specialize more in backend roles, there are avenues for you as planners, content strategists, external relations, and retail assistants.

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Connecting with Your Audience

The Wet Market experience goes beyond just browsing art. The artist-customer interaction is a highlight for both sides. Their changes in location usually play a role in who you’re bound to meet.

Pop-ups at university areas attract a younger crowd, while venues like Salcedo Market bring in families. The lively atmosphere attracts all kinds of people but mainly draws art kids and younger individuals.

In contrast to much larger conventions like Komiket, Wet Market offers a more intimate experience. Since the events happen frequently, with differing themes each time, every fair is a fresh and dynamic adventure.

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A Universe of Artistic Expression

The beauty of Wet Market lies in its inclusivity. They are open to any shape or form of art, from paintings and prints to handmade crafts and unique zines. The variety is almost limitless.

Wet Market: Art Market is more than just a place to buy art; it's an artistic and intimate community. It’s a platform for artists to showcase their work, a space for art lovers to discover new favorites, and a haven for those seeking a sense of belonging amidst a vibrant explosion of creativity. The next time you hear about a Wet Market event, don't hesitate to step into this welcoming space and discover your artistic tribe.

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