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A Weekend Blast of Cinema, Culture, and Crafts

Missed out on the latest happenings in cinema, culture, and crafts? Give yourself a ‘lil break and look at the rundown of events in the world of arts.

by Patricia Lanzagarita and Marian Luisa Palo
Photos courtesy of Hola Escolta, The 26th French Film Festival, and Lei Arthreo Sedero
November 27, 2023

From celebrating French blockbusters to arts and culture of our own, the weekend was definitely a blast with thorough and meaningful appreciation for diversity in creation!

Whether you’re a certified cinephile, a supporter of local artists, or a nightlife enthusiast, come with us as we run you through what went down in the events of the weekend, November 25 to 26, and immerse in the experience of being one with the world of arts.

The 26th French Film Festival

With a vast array of 21 box office hits ranging from sci-fi, romantic drama, to comedy, the 26th French Film Festival ‘makes it iconic’ as it opened the cinemas last November 25 at the S Maison Mall’s Director’s Club.

This partnership between the French Embassy in the Philippines and Micronesia and the SM Supermalls and Cinema was staged in hopes of bringing together the cultures of France and the Philippines, while exhibiting the goal to reach the young Filipino audiences. To derive French Ambassador to the Philippines Her Excellency Marie Fontanel’s words, “What better way to make it iconic than with cinema?”

Actress and director of Un Silence Si Bruyant (Such a Resounding Silence) Emmanuell Beart also graced the premiere and featured her documentary’s theme on incest, highlighting its timeliness during the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Expressing her years-long fight for women and children with UNICEF through filmmaking, Beart echoed the film festival’s aim to reach the youth and said that being young should not have to hinder being ‘fitted’ for films that embody serious topics.

The 26th French Film Festival debuted with the sci-fi film Acide (Acid Rain) and is set to screen 20 more films until December 3. Catch them in SM Mall of Asia and SM Megamall cinemas to witness an astounding glimpse of this year’s greatest French films!

Paskomiket 2023

Ranging from vibrant stickers, handmade accessories, famous comics, to cutest cosplays, Paskomiket 2023 has it all!

Aiming to support local artists, creatives, komikeros, printmakers, and crafters, Paskomiket gave them the platform to sell and promote their local products.

Komiket, a contraction of komiks and market, is a non-profit organization that organizes comic art markets and publishes Filipino comics. For this year, the organizer brought over 500 local artists to SM Megamall, last November 25 to 26.

Various local artists were present in the market such as Tarantadong Kalbo, Namiirin, Argues, Sskait, Ibayan, and many more!

This convention did not only showcase the creativity and love of Filipinos for art and creation, it also sent the message that thousands of local artists need support to continue making their crafts and a little push to prove that their art matters.

Hola, Escolta!

Looking for arts and crafts with a mix of nightlife? Well, Manila became alive again after people gathered along the street of Escolta to showcase their crafts and dance the night away!

Intending to honor the culture and the contribution of the Escolta street to the rich history of the country and its communities, the place has become the avenue for independent creators, musicians, makers, artists, and craftsmen to amplify their art.

The rain that night did not stop the people from appreciating the unique architecture of the buildings in the said street, seizing halls of exhibitions of its culture and history, and loving the local crafts of the artists.

Exploring the street of Escolta is more than appreciating its beauty but also its rich history as it is rooted in the present and will be ready for the future—the street is a safe space for diverse voices and minds. This event will be ingrained to every person while screaming the phrase: ‘Of the streets, for the streets. Hola, Escolta!’

Indeed, the weekend that has passed was truly a blast for the artsies as it has served them cinema, culture, and crafts—and beyond. The amount of patrons who will witness and have witnessed these three events is a signifier of Filipinos’ love for the arts and culture. Intentions in every creation may vary, but each and every one of them is a vivid representation that the beauty of art will always transcend barriers and will forever remain universal.