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5 Things You Need to Know About Sean Go’s Art Collection on Toki

Blast off into the world of Sean Go’s rocket-powered art toys and discover why these collectibles are more than just child’s play!

Words Mika Reyes
Photos courtesy of Toki
August 20, 2024

Sean Go, a Filipino pop appropriation artist, has just unveiled his latest artistic endeavor—a collection of art toys that’s anything but child’s play. If you're new to Go’s work or just curious about this latest launch, here are five things you absolutely need to know.

1. It's a Rocket-Powered Launch—Literally

Forget the usual art prints and canvases! Go has blasted off in a new direction with his latest collection. The centerpiece? Rockets. But these aren’t your average spacecraft—they’re vibrant, miniature sculptures that mix nostalgia with a touch of modern-day flair. Think of them as the love child of your childhood dreams and adult ambitions, wrapped in bold, Basquiat-inspired strokes.

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2. Art You Can Hold (But Maybe Don’t Drop)

If you’ve ever wanted to own a piece of art that you can actually hold in your hands, Go’s new collection is your golden ticket. Each art toy is a tangible slice of Go’s creative universe, blending pop culture with deeper social commentary. But be warned—these aren’t toys you’d want to toss around. Handle with care, and maybe even a little reverence.

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3. Childhood Meets Contemporary—With a Twist

Sean Go has a knack for turning the familiar into something wonderfully unexpected. In this collection, he reimagines symbols from our collective childhood through a contemporary lens. His rockets are vehicles for imaginary space adventures. They’re also symbols of intelligence, aspiration, and the boundless potential that resides in all of us. Who knew a rocket could be so much more than just a toy?

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4. A Virtual Treasure Hunt

In true 2024 fashion, the collection isn’t debuting in a gallery or even a pop-up shop. Instead, Go has partnered with Toki, the Philippines’ first collectible-focused social commerce platform, for an exclusive online launch. This is where art meets tech, and you can bet that these pieces will go faster than a rocket-powered cheetah. Mark your calendars for August 15 and get ready to hit "add to cart" faster than you can say "art collector."

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5. A Collectible with a Conscience

Sure, they’re fun, but don’t let the playful exterior fool you—these toys are loaded with meaning. Go’s work has always carried a layer of social commentary, and this collection is no exception. By turning a simple rocket into a symbol of greater things, Go challenges us to think beyond the surface and explore the potential within ourselves.

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So, if you’re in the market for something that’s equal parts nostalgic and forward-thinking, keep an eye out for Sean Go’s latest collection.